For all you lawyers out there, this is all alleged.
Phil Ryken
Phil Ryken was senior minister of Tenth Presbyterian Church and is currently president of Wheaton College. Regarding the music minister involved with the naked beating of students, Phil Ryken failed to call the police, did not fire him, did not inform all of the elders, and allowed him to remain in a position of power, authority, and influence over young men for thirteen years. If one does not believe me, one could ask Phil Ryken, aka a former leader, aka FL, or Linda Boice, aka a former pastor's widow, or Todd Williams, president of Cairn University, or Boz Tchividjian, founder of GRACE, or renowned trauma psychologist Dr. Diane Langberg. Here is the GRACE report. Pay particular attention to pages 22-44.
I am calling for Phil Ryken to resign as president of Wheaton College, and to stop public speaking, such as at the Philadelphia Conference of Reformed Theology and on the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals radio program "Every Last Word".
By the way, I believe Phil Ryken is continuing his wayward ways at Wheaton.
This comment was from a Wartburg Watch article from 2018. is the summit she is referring to. We call it virtue signaling.
Richard Phillips
Richard Phillips was a pastor at Tenth Presbyterian Church in 2001 when the naked beatings became known. It is highly probable that he was aware or the situation and did nothing about it. Like Phil Ryken, he did not call the police, did not fire him, and did not inform all of the elders, which allowed him to be in a position of power, authority, and influence over young men for another thirteen years. See pages 22-44 of the GRACE investigation above.
I am calling for Richard Phillips to resign from Second Presbyterian Church of Greenville, South Carolina, and to stop public speaking, such as at the Philadelphia Conference of Reformed Theology.
George McFarland
George McFarland is the clerk of session at Tenth Presbyterian Church, was Liam Goligher's right hand man, and has been an elder for around forty years. He has repeatedly lied and committed perjury.
He conspired to lie to the congregation regarding the departure of the music minister, saying it was to pursue new opportunities, when in reality it was because of the naked beatings. See the injunction hearing transcript from 10/10/17 on pages 32:22-25 and 33:1-4.
He lied to the congregation, saying my letter to the congregation was "a horrible slander" and "utterly false" and then retracting his statement and apologizing. See pages 20-26 of my affidavit.
He lied to the congregation, saying the elders never threatened to excommunicate me, sue me, or hurt my family. See page 32 of my affidavit above which has the letter stating these things. Of course they have now done what the said they did not threaten to do.
Here is the excommunication letter and no trespass notice.
Here is the 2019 defamation lawsuit/injunction.
They have hurt my family. It has cost me $65,000 in legal fees, more than my entire annual income, to defend myself against their outrageously slanderous and false defamation lawsuit/injunction. The financial stress has caused a divorce, which has cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars. In addition, see page 94 of the GRACE report, regarding an elder who warned me that my family was going to get hurt if I did not drop my accusations.
He lied in his affidavit in support of the 2017 injunction attempt, which stated that I was threatening and harassing people while standing on a public sidewalk in front of the church handing out letters.
Here is his affidavit, affirming that the 2017 injunction is true.
Here is the 2017 injunction.
Now compare what the 2017 injunction stated, which unlike the 2019 injunction, was about only one day, 09/10/17, to my body camera footage. Note also that the injunction was denied after the judge saw my body camera footage, which proved that the 2017 injunction was slanderous and false.
He lied at the 2019 defamation trial, saying that what was a "horrible slander" and "utterly false" in my letter was that I called the incident in the catacombs/basement of the church sexual assault (which requires intercourse in Pennsylvania) when it was sexual harassment. As already noted above, George had retracted his statements and apologized to me for saying that my letter was a "horrible slander" and "utterly false". When I emailed him at the time to ask him what was a "horrible slander" and "utterly false", he refused to answer, basically indicating that he did not know. See pages 27-28 in my affidavit. Also, no one called it anything but sexual assault prior to the trial, including Liam Goligher and the chair of the diaconate, Frank Pulcini. The victim stated in the GRACE report that she considered what happened to her sexual assault.
Here is the 2017 injunction transcript, where Liam Goligher refers to the incident in the catacombs/basement of the church as sexual assault. See page 23:20-24.
See Frank Pulcini's email on page 47 of my affidavit above.
See the GRACE report above on page 74.
George McFarland, and all of the elders, have been convicted by an ecclesiastical court of lying twice. See the GRACE report above on pages 41-43. The GRACE reports also notes that Tenth has a problem with transparency and trustworthiness, i.e. the elders are liars and deceivers (See pages 136-138). Note also that in addition to violating the ninth commandment, i.e. lying, the ecclesiastical court also found the elders guilty of violating the fifth commandment, i.e. gross negligence and incompetence. In addition, the elders have attempted to threaten, intimidate, and bully me into silence. See their lawyers letter below and picture.
Elder Jim Sweet came up to me at Rittenhouse Square and threatened to sue me and denied that the rape/false imprisonment was credible. He is the only new elder who I am demanding resign.
As for the old guard, I am calling for George McFarland to permanently resign from ever holding the office of elder again. I am also calling for the resignation of the following elders: Andy Fletcher, Nasrat Ghattas, Frank Harder, and Russ Pfeifer, because they are guilty of all that George is, except that they did not sign an affidavit or testify against me at the 2019 defamation trial. Russ Pfeifer was also the elder who "investigated" the rape/false imprisonment (see page 71 of the GRACE report) and said that the allegation of rape false/false imprisonment was not credible, and furthermore, that the woman got what she deserved (see page 26:10-13 of the rape/false imprisonment transcript below).
Enrique Leal and Bruce McDowell
Current Tenth Pastor Enrique Leal and former pastor Bruce McDowell (whose house was where the alleged crime occurred) are friends and supporters of the alleged perpetrator of the rape/false imprisonment. They showed concern for the alleged perpetrator's reputation, especially with how it might affect his medical license, but showed little concern for the alleged victim. Furthermore, They counseled the victim to marry the alleged perpetrator, whom she had asked to be protected from. (See the GRACE report above on pages 65-73 and also the rape/false imprisonment transcript above).
I am calling for Pastor Enrique Leal to resign from Tenth Presbyterian Church and to find another occupation, and I am calling for Bruce McDowell to resign from Santiago Theological Seminary and to permanently retire.
Tim Geiger
New Tenth executive minister Tim Geiger was present at the session meeting held on 03/25/14 as a representative of the presbytery. Testimony was given regarding the attack of a woman in the catacombs/basement of the church and also the alleged rape/false imprisonment, which occurred at Pastor Bruce McDowell's house. Note that the moderator of the presbytery at the time was Bruce's brother, Glenn. No wonder that these accusations were dismissed as unfounded so quickly. See the GRACE report on pages 65-73 and 74-76. See also the rape/false imprisonment/sexual harassment transcript. Here is my letter to the congregation regarding Tim Geiger and an email.
I am calling for Tim Geiger to resign from executive minister of Tenth.
In the future, I would suggest the session consult me before making any decisions regarding leadership.
John Canales
Pastor John Canales acted inappropriately towards a female (See GRACE report on pages 97 and 138).
I am calling for Pastor John Canales to immediately resign from his present position as senior minister of Christ Presbyterian Church in Flower Mound, Texas, and to permanently retire.
Marion Clark
Pastor Marion Clark's over the top, effusive praise of the music minister who perpetrated the naked beatings, and his lies regarding the departure of said music minister and himself from Tenth Presbyterian Church are unconscionable. (See the documents below).
I am calling for Marion Clark's books, sermons, and website, to disappear.
Bill Smith
Bill Smith was one of the men who the woman who was attacked in the catacombs/basement of the church went to for help. He failed to call the police and instead told the perpetrator to leave the scene of the crime, so that he was never identified, and in fact, came back to the church that same evening and touched another woman. See pages 44-49 of my affidavit above and also the GRACE report on pages 74-76.
I am calling for Bill Smith to permanently resign from being a deacon or serving in leadership.
Susan Elzey
In addition to pleading guilty to having sex with senior minister Liam Goligher in a public park in Lancaster, she has repeatedly committed perjury. (See Susan Elzey in the main players section of this blog). Here, once again, are the court documents for Susan Elzey and Liam Goligher, who, at least, immediately resigned after the arrest became publicly known.
I am calling for Susan Elzey to resign from the office of deaconess and to never hold a position of leadership again.
Feel free to contact me at if you have any questions.
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Philip Snyder,
Sir, are you the one to bring this to light? If so, you are the face I have for the men who advocate for #churchtoo issues. Do you see Ryken as having failed in his duties in this situation? As a Wheaton graduate, this matters to me. I know too much about some of what Wheaton is hiding. I don’t appreciate them hosting a summit while failing to respond well to abuses in the church. I appreciate any perspective you can provide on Ryken specifically.